Flood Compensation Works, Burgess Farm

Flood Compensation Works at Burgess Farm

Value: £160,000

Works consisted of the initial site clearance, excavation of an attenuation pond, installation of PCC culverts to divert a watercourse and re-alignment of Ellen Brook. Throughout the contract sensitivity to the local environment was paramount due to the close proximity of a habitat for the Great Crested Newt. Due to this we were required to work in close cooperation with the Client’s Ecologist.

1 in 100 Year Flood Compensation Successfully Achieved

The bulk excavation was designed to give a cut and fill balance using the existing materials. The flood compensation included the reshaping of the existing watercourse and channels to allow for 1 in 100 year flood. In addition to the installation of the culvert new headwalls and trash screens were added to the existing culvert.